Parents, you are the Primary Educator

Why did I quit my teaching job and risk it all to start my own business?
When I first started teaching, I was in a Reception class with the most wonderful children and parents. The parents were so engaged with their children’s learning, and were so keen to help their children however they could. But they didn’t know how.
So I started running ‘homework clubs’ where parents would come in with their children and see how I taught maths and phonics so that the parents could do the same at home.
The impact was incredible. Children who had struggled before, even with all of the support I offered, suddenly flew. One girl went from being a concern to being the top reader in her class. And it was all because I had equipped the parents with the knowledge they needed to help.
It was at that moment that I knew I wanted to create my course ‘Before ABC’.
That was 7 years ago now, but Covid has made it even more important that parents have the skills and knowledge that they need to help their children. And I have the knowledge. So I quit my job to focus on something even more important than teaching children (though I still do this in a phonics and reading specialist capacity), teaching parents.
You are the reason your child will succeed. Your impact on your child is phenomenal. And I want to help.
If you want to support your child and get more individualised support for both you and your family, check out my course – Curious to Confident – where you can learn about the pillars of reading, become confident that you know where your child is in their reading journey, how to ensure you’re getting the most out of reading with your child, and how to fit learning into your day with no extra preparation needed from you. Click the picture to check it out!