Raising a Reader:
Your Ultimate Guide to Instilling a Love for Books in Your Child!

Discover the Key to Igniting a Love of Reading at Home!

Imagine a world where your child’s eyes light up at the sight of a new book, their excitement palpable as they flip through the pages, completely engrossed in a universe of imagination. Your little one, falling in love with books, a love that remains unwavering throughout their life. 

Envision your home transforming into a place that supports not only reading, but also lifelong learning. Your child’s reading nook, filled with their favourite tales, becomes a happy place, a safe haven where they discover new worlds and make new friends with characters from their books. 

Picture your child, not just a reader, but a lover of books, an adventurer in the literary world. Their love of reading isn’t a chore, it’s their choice, a part of their everyday life. All because of your dedication, your understanding of their needs, and your guidance. 

With Raising a Reader, you’re not just fostering a hobby. You’re shaping a future scholar, a lifelong learner, a leader who finds wisdom in the written word.

Boost your child's future, one storybook at a time!


Raising A Reader: Your Guide to Cultivating your Child's Lifelong Love for Books!

Ignite the spark of reading in your child’s heart with this masterclass! 

Learn strategies to make reading an attractive option in their everyday life and create a nurturing environment that supports learning. 

Empower yourself with the knowledge to instil an enduring love for books in your child, without the struggle of balancing screen time or pushing them too hard.

Are you ready to unlock the power of reading for your little one? 

Let’s dive in and explore the incredible features of Raising a Reader: Your Guide to Cultivating your Child’s Lifelong Love for Books!

Ignite the Joy of Storytelling

This masterclass will provide techniques to light up your child’s imagination and develop their love for stories. Discover the magic of storytelling and make it an integral part of your child’s life. Inspire a deep appreciation for stories in your child, laying the foundation for a lifelong love of reading.

Elevate the Role of Reading at Home

Learn how to seamlessly weave reading into the fabric of your daily routine. Books will become a cherished part of your family’s lifestyle. Create a nurturing home environment that encourages reading and continuous learning.

Make Reading a Delightful Everyday Option

I’ll show you how to present reading as a joyous choice, not a chore. Your child will learn to love picking up a book as part of their daily activities. Foster a passion for reading in your child that goes beyond school assignments, allowing them to willingly choose books over screens. (As well as strategies to keep them reading even when they do choose the screen!)

Remember, this isn’t about forcing a love of reading, but rather nurturing it naturally.

With Raising a Reader, you’ll have the tools you need to inspire a deep and enduring love of reading in your child.

So what do you actually get?

What's inside the Raising a Reader Masterclass?

  • Comprehensive masterclass on cultivating your child’s love for books
  • Tips and strategies on integrating reading into your child’s everyday life
  • Proven strategies to raise the value of reading at home
  • Guidance on creating an environment that supports reading and learning
  • Bonus: How to balance your child’s screen time with reading

Start building your child’s love of books and reading today for just £7!

Take a look at what others have said...

“I wanted to reach out and express my sincere appreciation for yesterday's session. It was not only incredibly helpful, but also a lot of fun. I really enjoyed learning from you! Your expertise and enthusiasm bring so much value to the session. I can't wait until the next one!”
Marijana Z.

I loved your enthusiasm.

Ellie W.


This masterclass will take you through all of the years of your child’s reading, and give you actionable steps at every age. However, I would particularly recommend it for parents of children aged 2-8, as there’ll be more tips to support you!

The masterclass is just under 1 hour long, and it’s yours to keep forever, so you can go back and watch it as many times as you’d like!

Everything in this masterclass is crafted with children in mind. Rather than focusing on activities that will force children to sit down and read, we cover a range of ways that you can present reading as an appealing option, so your child naturally want’s to choose it. The third section of this masterclass talks exclusively about how you can make reading an option that your child wants to choose, and the previous two sections talk about building enthusiasm for reading, and a supportive, reading-positive environment to show children the joys of reading throughout their lives.

This masterclass is yours to keep, forever! You can watch it, whenever, wherever, however suits you, and as many times as you’d like too! 

As soon as you hit purchase, you’ll be sent through to the workshop page where you can log in and get all the notes and the video immediately. You’ll also get an email with the video imbedded so you always have easy access to it if you want to pop in and watch a bit on the go. 

At the end of the masterclass you’re given a series of ways that you can contact me to ask any questions you might have. Within the course page itself are a series of links to where you can get more information or support too!

Meet Jen!

When a child learns to read, the whole world opens up to them. Not only do they have the ability to do necessary things, like read street names and bus timetables, but they can also explore any topic that interests them, learning so much more than they otherwise would. Reading gives children independence, and every child deserves to become a confident reader.

I’m Jen, a Primary School teacher, Dyslexia tutor and parent support coach. I have a specialism in Early Reading and Phonics and focus on supporting parents with their children at home. As well as spending many years teaching children both in the classroom and as a specialist tutor, I have made it a priority to support parents through courses, workshops and individual sessions. 

Over the last decade, I’ve helped so many parents to find their confidence when supporting their children, whether they’re just beginning their education or needing more support later on. My mission is to support you with your child’s education and show you how it can be simple and easy to support them at home

Jen x

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